March 6, 2021

Mark 2:3-5, “Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
Mark wrote with a focus on Jesus' activity moving from place to place meeting not just the physical needs of the people, but more importantly their spiritual needs.
I love this story because it shows the persistence, love, and faith of four awesome friends. These four men had a paralytic friend whom they cared for greatly. They cared enough to stop at nothing to bring their friend to Jesus. They not only cared so much, they believed so much. Their faith was great and they let nothing stop them.
Imagine how much work it must have been to carry their paralytic friend through the crowd and on top of the roof? They had to tear off part of the roof and lower him down on a bed through the roof. That was not just an act of love, but a great act of faith. Jesus seeing their faith met the paralytic's physical needs as well as his spiritual need.
Even before He healed the man's body, Jesus spoke peace to the man’s heart and announced that his sins were forgiven. Forgiveness is the greatest miracle that people need. Warren Wiersbe wrote, “The healing of the body is a great miracle, but it does not last. The forgiveness of sin is God’s greatest miracle for it lasts forever and accomplishes the greatest good.”
Jesus came to do much more than to relieve the afflictions of the sick. He came to deal with the afflictions of the heart. May we continue to pray for our loved one's physical needs but also their spiritual needs. May we do all we can to present our loved ones for Jesus to heal them not just physically, but spiritually, and save them eternally.
Your brother in Christ,
- John

Juliet - Please pray for the feeling in her legs to be restored. Please pray for the results of the biopsy to come back benign, and reveal no cancer. Please pray for Juliet's physical therapy. May our Lord touch her and make her healthy in spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Sandra L. – Please continue to pray for a successful surgery on March 23, and that every cancer cell will be removed.

Norah Rae - please continue to pray for this precious little one to grow healthy and strong; may God touch her parents and guide all the physicians tending to this little life.

Please pray for the churches who are in court battles to stay open, including Calvary Chapel San Jose. Please pray that God would give them the victory.

Please pray for the defeat of "The Equality Act" which will be headed to the Senate for vote in the near future.

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Men's Proverbs and Prayer 8AM