March 3, 2021

Mark 6:38, "But He said to them, “How many loaves do we have? Go and see.” And when they found out they said, “Five, and two fish.”

Jesus is so loving and faithful even after a long day of teaching a multitude of people in a deserted place, he showed compassion to feed them spiritually and physically. His disciples wished to send everyone away but instead, Jesus told them to go and see how much bread they had. His disciples only found five loaves and two fish.

Jesus knew how many loaves of bread they had but if He didn’t ask them to go and see, we would have never known there were only five and two fish. Jesus blessed the loaves of bread, divided the fish, and miraculously fed five thousand men. This is a perfect example of Jesus’ vast wisdom, and more importantly, the abundance of love He has for everyone. Just when we think there is a numerical limit to the spiritual sustenance He is capable of, He proves us wrong.

There is no limit to the love Jesus has for us. We are so broken and flawed that we think the person in front of us received the last possible blessing or a blessing meant for us. Some may even want to cut in line to receive a “blessing.” Is it a blessing if we go to these lengths? We need not act in this way, for His love, forgiveness, healing, and understanding have no numerical limit. Believe it or not, He knows the exact amount we need so the next person in line can also receive their fill of His blessing.

Five and Two equal the number of perfection which is seven.  Jesus’ love is so finely calculated that He provides exactly what we need, all we have to do is reach out and ask.

Your brother in Christ,
- Greg

Please pray for Irene C. and her family over the loss of her grandfather in Mexico.

JoseLuis V. – Pray for our brothers as he is battling a non covid infection in his lungs.

Juliet - Thank you for your prayers! Juliet is improving, able to move her legs more and more. Please keep praying for the pain to be manageable; for the feeling in her legs to be 100% restored. Please pray for the results of the biopsy to come back benign, and to reveal no cancer. Juliet has been moved to a facility where she can receive physical therapy; continue to pray for open doors in another facility - Casa Colina. AS THE LORD LEADS, some people have been sensing the call to fast.

Sandra L. – please lift up her surgery which was rescheduled for March 23. Pray for a successful surgery, a smooth recovery, and pray especially that this procedure would be used by the Lord to remove every bit of cancer cells.

Norah Rae - please continue to pray for this precious little one to grow healthy and strong; may God touch her parents and guide all the physicians tending to this little life.

Please pray for the churches who are in court battles to stay open, including Calvary Chapel San Jose. Please pray that God would give them the victory. (see video below)

Please pray for the defeat of "The Equality Act" which will be headed to the Senate for vote in the near future. (Click HERE for more information).

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Men's Fellowship 7PM