March 2, 2021

Ephesians 3:20-21, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus...”

For those of us who have been burdened with things that are beyond our control and maybe have doubted what the outcome will be, this scripture reminds us that God will always have the last word and will often move in miraculous ways.

He “can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.” This means whatever we ask for or even imagine, God will amazingly exceed our expectations. This should exhort us never to limit His infinite power by doubting.

Many of us can attest to the fact that God in the past has intervened in unimaginable and miraculous ways; how He answered our prayers in ways that blew us away. May we always remember His wondrous works that left us in awe of His grace and faithfulness.

In the last month, God has been so faithful to move mightily in my beautiful grand baby’s life, Norah Rae. He has moved in ways, we could never have imagined, and I am confident that He will continue to show His glory in her life.

Some of us may currently be in the midst of a horrendous storm that we feel helpless in. May we continue to trust in Him, that as we pray, our mighty God of the impossible, Who can move mountains will once again answer miraculously.

As we continue to walk in His power and submit to His Holy Spirit, may He continue to show His glory as we confidently embrace the trials of life. (Phil.4:13)
Your brother in Christ,
- Ray

Juliet - Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for the pain to subside. Please pray for the feeling in her legs to be restored. Please pray for the results of the biopsy to come back benign, and reveal no cancer. Please pray for the removal of abnormalities in her blood. IF THE LORD LEADS, some people have been sensing the call to fast.

Sandra L. – Sandra’s surgery was rescheduled to March 23. Everything is in GOD’s perfect timing! Please continue to pray for a successful surgery, a smooth recovery, and especially to remove every bit of cancer cells.

Norah Rae - please continue to pray for this precious little one to grow healthy and strong; may God touch her parents and guide all the physicians tending to this little life.

Please pray for the churches who are in court battles to stay open, including Calvary Chapel San Jose. Please pray that God would give them the victory. (see video below)

Please pray for the defeat of "The Equality Act" which will be headed to the Senate for vote in the near future. (Click HERE for more information).

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

No events scheduled