February 27, 2021

Psalm 24:1, "The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters."

As Christians, we understand that God created the universe and all that is in it, and we know the Earth is a special place of over 8.7 million species. It’s also a fact that no other life has been found anywhere else in the universe, despite conspiracy theories about aliens and area 51.

We recently landed another rover on Mars, and the big PR push is always the same “we want to know if life has existed anywhere else in the universe so that we can find out where we came from.” I’m always baffled by those statements because even if we did find signs of past life on another planet it doesn’t automatically mean that’s where we came from.

Those statements assume that evolution is true even though NASA shys away from saying that. Norman Geisler very eloquently debunks evolution in the chapter “from goo to you, via the zoo” in the book “I don’t have enough faith to be an Atheist.”

Personally, I believe that NASA's statements about looking for past life are made in the press because it sounds intriguing, instead of just saying we’re going to go study the planet and try out some new experiments.

It’s true that we’re looking for places that have had or currently have water because earth is the only place we’ve found life. It’s surrounded by 71% water, and without it, there’d be no life. But, instead of getting pulled into a debate, or a hypothetical discussion about whether life exists elsewhere in the universe, it’s more practical and meaningful to discuss the reality and significance of the gospel.


Your brother in Christ,
- Sean

Juliet - Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for the pain in Juliet's neck to subside (it's been excruciating). Please pray for the feeling in her legs to be restored. Please pray for the results of the biopsy to come back benign. Please pray for the removal of abnormalities in her blood. Juliet may be transitioning to rehab on Monday. IF THE LORD LEADS, some people have been sensing the call to fast.

Please keep the Castillo/Leon families in prayer over the passing of Rudy Castillo. He passed due to Covid complications. Pray especially for his wife Lupi; the services will be taking place here at CCEM today.

Baby NORAH RAE – (UPDATE) Thank you JESUS, Norah Rae has been able to take in feeds with minimal, almost no spit-ups. Today she weighed in at 6lbs 4oz.!!! Thank you for all the prayers! Please: 1) Pray for her leg to realign through casting that will be changed weekly for the next few weeks. 2) Pray for continual growth in weight 3) Pray that the LORD would continue to use her as a bright light for all to see HIS miraculous handiwork! Thank You!

Marsha M. who is a believer, needs healing from breast cancer. (submitted 2/26)

Desi N. – Please pray for healing and salvation for Desi who is suffering from stomach cancer and is unable to eat. Also pray for his family and friend’s salvation. (submitted 2/26)

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Men's Proverb and Prayer 8AM