February 20, 2021

Exodus  36:5-7 5, "...and they spoke to Moses, saying, ''The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which the LORD commanded us to do.' 6 So Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, 'Let neither man nor woman do any more work for the offering of the sanctuary.' And the people were restrained from bringing, 7 for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done—indeed too much."
In reading through God’s Word, I was struck by this passage, specifically the portion of v. 5;  “Much more than enough.” Imagine if we heard from God, “Stop, you’ve given, you're doing more than enough?”
The world wants us to follow the motto, “Enough is never enough.”
It pushes the proverb “work, work, work, play, play, play, gain, gain, gain, for me, me, me!”
What if we as the Church gave more than enough?  Or perhaps a better question is this “What if the rest of the church gave as I did?"  Would it be enough? Would it be enough for the Church to be the voice, the arms, and the feet carrying the commission of the Gospel to the world?
If you continue reading Exodus 36 you’ll see that God had very specific plans for the church; both for the building and the body.
I have a feeling if we had the heart to do more than enough, with our temple, our time and yes, our treasure, God would be glorified, and in turn, He would work in and through such a Church.
Don’t get me wrong, God doesn’t need our provisions. In Psalm 50:10-14 God tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He owns the birds and all the animals. He doesn’t need to beg for food, the world is His oyster. What God wants us to recognize is that He is the giver of all good things. We demonstrate that we believe this…when we do more than enough with that which He’s given us.
May the Lord lead us.
Your brother in Christ,
- Henry

Norah – (friend of Susie C.) UPDATE – Praise GOD, Norah had a really good day yesterday. Her vent was turned off for the first time and she was able to tolerate it for an hour. Praying GOD would continue to give her mind & body peace as they continue to intermittently shut-off the vent; that her blood pressure would remain stable, and that her mom/or family members would be able to have an in-person/touch visit with her. We continue to lift up all the staff members working at this facility as well. (submitted 2/19)

Tom G. family – Please keep the Garcia family in prayer. Tom’s son was in a car accident and if it weren’t for his friends following behind him and applying a tourniquet, he would have lost his life. Also, the family is dealing with alcohol problems with numerous family members. Thank you for all your prayers for this family. (submitted 2/18)

Please keep a man (age 48) in prayer; who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer-stage 4, which has metastasized to his lungs, spine and liver. His mother is a devoted Christian and has asked for prayer. Please pray for the entire situation and for this young man’s salvation; that the whole family will be completely united and will get along through this very trying time. Thank you. (submitted 2/19)

Juliet - will be having surgery on February 23 to remove a mass from her spine. Please pray wholeheartedly for our beautiful sister.

Norah Rae - We're praising God that this precious little life was able to go home with mom and dad yesterday. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to lift her and her family up to the Lord. Below is a picture of Ray, and Laura, (grandma and grandpa) and Norah Rae.

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Men's Proverb and Prayer - 8AM