January 23, 2021

John 14:1-3, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."
In these verses, Jesus is telling us not to fear, for we believe in Jesus. Jesus is promising us that He’s preparing a place for all of us and coming back for us to live with Him for eternity.
This verse opened up to me seven years ago. My dad was a God-fearing man who taught me to put God first in everything I did. Right before dad passed away from cancer, my brothers and I took turns taking care of dad during his last days.
One night when it was my turn to look after dad, I woke up hearing groaning sounds (Dad was already in that stage where he couldn’t speak any longer). I sat dad upon his bed, and while he was still making groaning noises I started rubbing his arms and legs and telling him I’m here and that everything is fine. Once he stopped making the mumbling noises, I laid him back down and gave him some morphine to relax. Then I went to my bed next to my dad and started crying, pleading to God, “Why, let him go through this”?
Something told me to open my Bible and read. Didn’t know what I was searching for, but the first thing that popped out was John 14:1. After I finished reading these verses, I immediately felt the Holy Spirit fill through my whole body from head to toe! Jesus telling me, that He got this!

Right away I got down on my knees and started asking for forgiveness for questioning Him. I was crying even more but out of joy and peace, feeling that I wasn’t alone. Feeling full of the Holy Spirit present in me!
A week later, I received a call from my brother saying our dad has passed and has gone to be with the Lord. I hung up with my brother and I immediately got down on my knees and praised God. I thanked Him for taking my dad home where Jesus prepared a place for him and for all of us, as well...when it’s our time.
“We know the Way because we believe, in His promises!”
Your brother in Christ,
- Robert


For Juliet
- who met with the surgeon today. The mass in her back is a tumor. They have scheduled surgery for February 23. They are hoping that during the surgery they will be able to remove the tumor completely, but they won't be able to determine that until the surgery - or if they need to go a different route in treating her. Her surgeon said it is a risky procedure, so we are asking for prayers over the hands of the surgeon and all those tending to her. We are also asking for prayer that they will be able to remove the tumor during the surgery without any complications. We thank you for your prayers and ask everyone to please give Juliet and her family time to process everything.

From Geo - Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that we all please keep our Livestream in prayer. We have been hit really hard and it may be so frustrating to loose connection during the study. The spiritual warfare is real and as a church we all must fight back with prayer as the enemy is trying to stop the Word of God from reaching us.

Johnnie I. - is recovering well from the blood clot in his femoral artery. Continue to pray for his recovery. (submitted 1/22)

Cameron Z. - is doing good. No surgery needed, Doctors decided to put him in a cast. Thank you all for praying for his recovery. (submitted 1/22)

Monica C. - 40 years old, mammogram showed a dark mass on both breasts. Waiting for biopsy results, she needs salvation. (submitted 1/22)

Mikko G. - recently diagnosed with WKS, (a neurological disorder) currently being hospitalized and unable to walk. She has partial memory loss and is experiencing hallucinations. Prayers for the family for direction for Mikko's progress and salvation for her and her husband and for his sobriety. (submitted 1/22)

From Wendy - Please pray for my family's salvation, that they would accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. My Mom Martha, brother Christopher, my sisters Zack, Vicky, and Jarett. (submitted 1/22)

From Yaya C. - Salvation for the Caro Family and their extended families. (submitted 1/22)

For our Nation - that we would return to the Lord and that He would have His hand upon us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Today at Calvary Chapel El Monte

Saturday, January 23, 2021

8AM - Men's Proverb & Prayer