We are blessed and privileged to offer baby and child dedications here at Calvary Chapel El Monte.
If you would like to dedicate your child or children, please provide the information below and we will follow up with a phone call or email.
If you decide to dedicate your children to the Lord, it simply means that you have it in your heart to raise them up in the ways of the Lord. We would then work out a date, call you and your children up on a Sunday morning service, and pray for your family as a congregation.
If you would like to dedicate your child or children, please provide the information below and we will follow up with a phone call or email.
If you decide to dedicate your children to the Lord, it simply means that you have it in your heart to raise them up in the ways of the Lord. We would then work out a date, call you and your children up on a Sunday morning service, and pray for your family as a congregation.